Wyatt Johnson Oral History

Link to larger video

Proposed Site Features

Oral Histories

Audio and video interviews and transcripts from dozens of residents make up the most important primary material son the website. In their own words, witnesses offer their unique perspectives and recollections. Discussing the challenges of daily life and their impressions of historical events, interviewees walk readers and visitors through their experiences.

History Player

The History Player allows users to access the database’s visual resources. While traditional text searching remains a key feature of the site, the History Player provides another means to navigate the database. Users will select an available oral history and watch it play in the video window, located in upper left corner of the application. The Related Resources bar will be simultaneously populated below the window with related images and documents. To access the historical resources mentioned by the speaker, users can click on the available choices in the Resources bar. The application will launch a new window and display the requested information.

Vinegar Hill History Player Mockup

The Map Player

The History Player may also be adapted to showcase the extensive collection of Vinegar Hill maps. Users will be able to view a number of maps within the player and access various resources from the database. By scrolling the cursor over “hotspots” on the map, site visitors can access primary resources related to the location they have selected.

Vinegar Hill History Player Map

Past and Present Slide Shows

Hundreds of past and contemporary photographs of Vinegar Hill have been collected from both public and private sources. Viewed as a slideshow, these prints showcase the dramatic changes of the physical environment over time.

Textual Search

The textual search allows users to easily access resources within the online archives. Users can search broadly by entering their own text or they can select from one of the numerous search terms. Advanced searches that combine topic fields and keywords will also be available. Below you will see an example of the proposed search feature and the results.

Vinegar Hill Search Page Mockup

Vinegar Hill Search Page Results Mockup

Vinegar Hill Search Page Results Detail Mockup

Thematic Search

Through images, essays, and other documents, scholars provide visitors an overview of major events and outline the various issues and events that occurred during the time. Selected primary resources from the database will also be presented, providing users firsthand evidence of historical events. The intention is to educate visitors and present background information before they begin toe explore the site and ask their own questions.

Educational Materials

Classroom activities and lesson guides will be developed, allowing educators to integrate numerous historical resources into their own teaching plans. Utilizing the site’s primary sources and features, these activities will help educators in directing their students’ learning experiences.