Legend of Danville

"Legend of Danville"

In Danville on June the 10th
In the year of sixty three
From Bible–Way Church to the court house
Some people march to be free.
The night was dark and the journey long,
As they marched two abreast
But with the spirit of freedom songs,
They didn’t need no rest.
Move on … Move on … move on with the freedom fight
Move on … Move on … we’re fighting for equal rights

And as they fall down on their knees,
Led by Rev. McGhee,
Who looked up and cried,
“Lord, please we want to be free.”
They heard the voice of Chief McCaines
As he cut across the prayer
I’ll never forget those violent words,
Nigger get out of here.

And as they heard those brutal words,
They didn’t turn around
And the water from the fire hose
Knock them to the ground.
And as they fell down on the ground
They were hit with billy sticks
I’ll never forget that terrible sound
As the people’s heads did split.
Don’t you stumble brothers, don’t you falter,
Oh mother don’t you weep,
We’re climbing up to our freedom,
Although the road is steep.

In Danville town’s corrupted courts
We got no justice done
We were found guilty before the trial
And the judge he wore a gun.
On June 13th we marched again,
They used their tear gas bombs
The grand jury indicted us
On $5,000 dollars bond.

—Matthew Jones